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We Got This Covered’s Top 14 TV Shows Of 2014

2014 offered television viewers more options than ever before, with Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu all jumping in on the action, popularizing alternate sources of getting your fix without taking anything away from more traditional network television - the more, the merrier.

Elizabeth Moss and Jon Hamm in Mad Men

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2014 offered television viewers more options than ever before, with Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu all jumping in on the action, popularizing alternate sources of getting your fix without taking anything away from more traditional network television – the more, the merrier.

Last year also saw networks making the experience more personalized. For the first time ever, there’s an emphasis on giving fans the chance to interact with members of the cast and crew of their favorite shows in more ways than ever before – live tweeting, Reddit Q&A’s, Facebook commentary. For example, The Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy brought back The Talking Dead and Anarchy Afterword, respectively, which were aired live over the course of the season. Not only can you now simply watch the story evolve week after week, but now you can talk back and have a chance of being heard.

The face of television may be changing, but at the core, TV shows are still offering fans what they always have – an escape. The We Got This Covered TV staff has quite an eclectic taste, but we narrowed down our combined list from upwards of 40 shows to give you what we feel our the 14 best that 2014 had to offer.

So, without further ado, we present our Top 14 TV shows of 2014!