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The Cast Inside The Strain: The Disappeared (Episode 9)

This week's episode of The Strain was packed so tight with melodrama and reveals that we couldn't wait to crack open our latest predictions. On this instalment of The Cast Inside the Strain, Dustin and I argue the merits of the Master's look before delving into all of the shenanigans going on in the Kelly Goodweather household.

the disappeared the strain

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This week’s episode of The Strain was packed so tight with melodrama and reveals that we couldn’t wait to crack open our latest predictions. On this instalment of The Cast Inside the Strain, Dustin and I argue the merits of the Master’s look before delving into all of the shenanigans going on in the Kelly Goodweather household.

Setrakian, Dutch, Vasiliy, and Zach (is Eph dad of the year or what?) head back to the antique shop to regroup and plan their next move, while Eph and Nora stay behind to burn the body of the decapitated Matt Sayles.

This week’s episode also concluded the flashback bromance of the Eichorst and Setrakian relationship in the concentration camp by revealing the lonely German’s true dedication to the Master. In our deathly predictions, we remember how Matt Sayles finally bit the big one while trying to decide whether or not we’ve seen the last of Gus’s right hand man, Felix.

The Disappeared was certainly an episode that was dark and full of terrors, but The Cast Inside the Strain has it all covered in our analysis and pop reference filled vampire discussion.

If this episode has you really fired up and ready to join the discussion, feel free to send any and all questions/comments to [email protected].

Enjoy the show!

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