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Bye, Felicia! 9 Possible Replacements For Barry Allen In Season 4 Of The Flash

Jesse Chambers-Wells (Jesse Quick)

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Despite possessing the stupidest name since Justin Bieber, Jesse Quick is a pretty cool character. Her relationship with Wally in season 3, for example, was far more heartwarming and exciting than Barry’s whiny to-and-fro antics with Iris West (who sadly lived and resulted in the death of our beloved, coffee-loving H.R. Wells).

Now, there’s the perfect opportunity to bring her back as a season 4 regular since Jay Garrick is free from the Speed Force prison and can protect Earth-3 again. Her father, Harrison Wells, is also seemingly back in Team Flash, so it’ll be a happy family reunion in Central City if she chooses to swap Earths.

If we’ve learned one thing from the success of Wonder Woman, it’s that we need and want more female superhero protagonists in entertainment. Jesse might not be the same A-list category as Diana Prince or Black Widow, but just like The CW elevated Felicity Smoak to star status, it can do the same for the female speedster.

Bart Allen

Well, here’s a character that we haven’t seen in The Flash. Even though John Wesley Shipp hinted that there had been talks of Bart Allen way back in 2015, Barry and Iris’s grandson hasn’t popped up on the show yet. Yes, we’ve had allusions to him here and there, but nothing concrete to date.

Introducing an Allen from the future could be a welcome twist – even if the character is portrayed by Grant Gustin himself. Whether he goes by the Kid Flash moniker or Impulse, there’s a legion of fans waiting for this one to become a reality. Not to mention, he’d also bring with him a host of other superheroes and storylines to explore.

If the producers use the Young Justice version of the character as a template, Bart could add some fast-talking, wisecracking humor into the mix as well. While Barry and Wally do have their moments, they’re mostly wet rags and are always sulking about something or the other. It’d be fun to have a lighthearted speedster who isn’t carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders for once.