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The 10 Best Episodes Of Justified

As Justified comes to a close, we look back on 10 episodes that made an Elmore Leonard adaptation into one of TV's best dramas of the last half-decade.

4) Bloody Harlan (Season 2, Episode 13)

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A finale that certainly lives up to the dramatic and literal promise of its title, “Bloody Harlan” represents Justified at peak excitement and melancholy. Ancient blood feuds bring Bennetts, Givenses, Crowders and a McCready out of the woodwork, so a high body count was going to be a given. Nobody escapes the evening unharmed, as even Raylan himself can’t get out of Harlan this time without taking a bullet to the gut first.

Boyd’s outfoxing of Mags doesn’t keep Ava out of the crossfire, and Raylan heads once more unto the breach knowing he might not have a (newly pregnant) Winona to come home to. But it’s the final act in the story of Mags Bennett that makes “Bloody Harlan” among the finest episodes (if not just the single best) in all of Justified. Margo Martindale would go on to win one of only two Emmys the show has ever received, an achievement sealed with that last glass of Mags’ infamous apple pie moonshine.

Best Scene: Justified doesn’t get much better than the last scene of the episode. It’s suspenseful, brilliantly paced and acted, but ultimately sorrowful.

Memorable Line: “Ask yourself what your daddy would want you to do.” “I want him to be here to tell me.” Raylan gets a spoonful of grief trying to talk Loretta out of shooting Mags.