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A raunchy dramedy finally dethrones ‘One Piece’ on the Netflix charts with its final season

The series is sitting proudly at the top spot.

via IMDb

Is it getting hot in here, or is it the newly crowned number-one spot in the Netflix top ten that has our temperatures rising?

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Focusing on healthy relationships with everything from yourself to your partner, the series name might initially make you think you’re sitting down to watch one thing, and before you know it, you’re falling in love with another. So what show is captivating audiences in its final season, enough so that One Piece has taken a step (or two) down in the rankings? Sex Education!

The series, while sex-positive and fun, isn’t just a sultry drama; it’s actually quite a powerful show about embracing yourself, celebrating everything from your preferences to your body, and following your heart to find the person who is willing to risk it all for you.

If Sex Education isn’t one of the most relatable shows on television, we’re not sure what is.

Okay, so maybe it’s not the most brilliant thing to eat cereal while scrolling through pictures of our exes, but you’re not alone if you’ve ever done so. Sometimes, a bowl of cereal and a cry session are exactly what you need. In addition to lessons on romance and sex, there are lessons on life and love throughout the series that really strike a chord in audiences of all ages, sometimes when you least expect it.

“You have to let the people you love know that you love them, even if it causes you a great deal of pain.”

One episode, in particular, focused on love and how it can change your life, but it’s not always the romantic kind of love you might think of. Love impacts all of us in every realm of our existence, from the love we give to ourselves to the love we give to others, the love our friends provide us, to the passion our partners share: one word, four letters, and somehow, it means everything.

“When you’re young, you think that everybody out there really, really gets you. But, you know, actually, only a handful of them do. All the people who like you, despite your faults. And then if you discard them, they will never come back. So, when you meet those people, you should just hold on to them. Really, really tightly. And don’t let them go.”

So, if you’ve yet to start the series, there’s no time like the present to discover your favorite character, find the storyline you can’t get enough of, and remind yourself that love is what it’s all about. You can catch Sex Education on Netflix now and won’t want to miss a moment.