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A Lifeline For Firefly? Fox Would Consider Reboot On One Condition

Speaking at last month's TCA, Fox boss David Madden noted that the network remains open to a potential Firefly reboot - but only on one condition.


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The X-Files, Prison Break, 24: Legacy – three once-dormant TV franchises that have each been given a new lease of life at Fox, to varying degrees of success. Will the network adopt a similar strategy for Firefly? Perhaps, but only if series creator and director Joss Whedon returns at the helm.

That was the resounding message coming out of last month’s Television Critics Association, when Rotten Tomatoes relayed various statements from Fox executives. And so, amid talk of the upcoming X-Men series, not to mention Prison Break‘s return in April, the network briefly touched on the status of Firefly, which has remained in stasis since being yanked off the airwaves in 2003. Sheer fan demand willed Serenity into existence two years later, but there’s been nary a mention of a potential reboot ever since.

Much of that comes down to Joss Whedon’s bustling slate, as he’s since gone on to helm The Avengers and its blockbuster sequel Age of Ultron. Whedon’s time in the MCU is ostensibly finished – barring the possibility of a Black Widow spinoff movie – but the director’s work in cinema is seemingly the one major roadblock left standing in Firefly‘s way. At the very least, Fox President Of Entertainment David Madden won’t entertain the thought of revisiting Malcolm Reynolds and Co. without Whedon’s involvement.

Here’s an extract from RT’s report:

Given the success of Fox’s reboots of The X-Files and 24, and Prison Break returning this year, Madden said he’d be open to a Firefly reboot if Joss Whedon himself wanted to revisit it. Madden suspects Whedon is now too busy with movies, and he would not consider doing Firefly without Whedon.

“Take my love, take my land. Take me where I cannot stand.” Do you consider this to be a lifeline for Firefly? Or simply wishful thinking? Let us know your impressions down below.