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9 Reasons Why Arrow Is Really Just A Batman Show

It might not be the perfect show, but season 5 of Arrow has largely benefited from the glorious canning of Olicity, which singlehandedly destroyed the past two seasons with its Gossip Girl-inspired soppy love story. The noticeable improvement in the storyline aside though, it's hard to ignore the constant criticism that this series pinches more than a few ideas from Gotham City.

The Demon’s Head

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Despite his issues with the World’s Greatest Detective, Ra’s al Ghul sees the Bat as a worthy (and only) heir to his throne. Others have tried, but no one can quite match the “love” that Ra’s has for the Caped Crusader as the ideal son-in-law.

Yet, in Arrow, it was Oliver who was identified as the natural successor and took over the mantle. But here’s the clincher: he actually went and killed poor Ra’s in front of his League. Yeah, you read that right. He killed Ra’s – the guy who can’t be killed. It’s absurd to even write it down because it’s ludicrous.

In decades of battle, Batman has bested Ra’s on more than one occasion, yet the slippery snake always sneaks away before he can pay for his crimes. In The CW world, Oliver dispatches of the Demon’s Head; thereby, in some twisted way, implying he’s more powerful than the Dark Knight.

Sure. Stop smoking that good stuff, guys.