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9 TV Shows That Ended On Infuriating Cliffhangers

Everyone loves a good cliffhanger. When a TV episode ends on a nail-biting, unresolved ending, it’s a surefire way of getting the audience to tune back in next week (or load up the next episode on Netflix, as the case as may be). Sometimes an ambiguous ending to an entire show can be more satisfying than a clear full stop.

4) In The Flesh

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British supernatural drama In The Flesh only comprised nine episodes, but it still managed to offer an innovative take on the zombie genre. Set after the Zombie Apocalypse has been dealt with, it sees recovering “rotter” Kieren having to face discrimination and prejudice because of his “condition.”

Though the show garnered a vocal core fanbase and received the BAFTA for Best Drama, it was mercilessly cut short. Not only was the series just getting into its stride, but this also meant that various plot threads were left open-ended. For instance, Amy had seemingly evolved into the next stage of zombie-ism, suggesting that she was The First Risen – the fabled zombie messiah.

3) Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Behind the first two Terminator movies, TV spinoff The Sarah Connor Chronicles – starring Lena Headley as the titular Sarah and Summer Glau as a new protective Terminator – is probably the third strongest entry in the franchise. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to save it from the chop after only two seasons.

Naturally, the series ended on a frustrating cliffhanger which saw a teenage John Connor – the future saviour of the human race – travel to the future… only to find out it was a better alternate future where no one had heard of him. This is yet another instance of a show opening up the door to a fascinating new plotline only to be cancelled before it can explore it. For shame!