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8 Things We Want To See In Westworld Season 2

Unlike a lot of shows, HBO's Westworld lived up to all the hype surrounding it before its release and became must-watch television. The sci-fi western drama proved to be a fresh take on the familiar 'robots go rogue' story, offering a multi-layered puzzlebox of a first season. Week by week it piled on the intrigue and mystery, garnering a very active and devoted fanbase of theorists and easter egg hunters. Even better, it then stuck the landing and provided most of the answers that we were looking for in an exciting and satisfying feature-length finale, titled "The Bicameral Mind."

1) Make It Just As Good As Season 1

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Put simply, the biggest thing we want from season 2 of Westworld is for it to be just as good as the first season. While that sounds easy on paper, it’s definitely a tall order. The debut run has been such a strong start that it could be hard to match that same quality next year. Many TV shows have impressed in their first seasons and then failed to nail the difficult second season. Hopefully, Westworld will not be one of them.

In particular, it’ll be difficult to match season 1 as so few of the storylines that fuelled this season are still running. For season 2, the show will have to be pretty much rebooted from scratch – presumably based around the idea of the growing hostilities between the humans and the hosts.

Thankfully, we have faith in showrunners Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy to deliver once again next season. They do apparently have a plan for next few years, after all (and possibly might even know the events of the series finale, whenever that may be). If the level of intelligence and invention of season 2 can be equaled next year, Westworld could very well go from being one of the most promising shows around to one of the finest of the decade.