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8 Superheroes That Should Have Their Own CW Show

With The CW's line-up of superhero shows quickly growing, we look at 8 other characters who we'd love to see get their very own series.


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When it was announced The CW was bringing an electricity-based superhero to its lineup, we were both pleased and disappointed that it turned out to be Black Lightening. Although awesome in his own right, we’d by lying if we said we weren’t a little bummed that they didn’t chose to bring Static to the Arrowverse instead.

Maybe it’s our nostalgia talking, but we have a soft spot for the classic animated program Static Shock, and it’s a shame we won’t get to see Virgil Hawkins in live-action form. But who knows? The Arrowverse shows loves their sidekicks, with Oliver Queen having Roy Harper and Barry Allen having Wally West, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Black Lightening could mentor a young Static.

Tell us, which superheroes would you like to see get their own show on The CW one day? Sound off in the usual place and let us know!