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8 Questions We Want Answered In The Westworld Season 1 Finale

Somehow HBO's Westworld has managed to live up to all the initial lofty hype - it was touted as being "the next Game of Thrones" - and delivered a tightly-plotted rollercoaster of a first season, filled with terrific acting, great writing and shocks galore.

2) Have We Really Seen The Last Of Bernard?

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Speaking of which, Jeffrey Wright is another actor who deserves an Emmy for his performance in Westworld. He was great as the troubled Bernard but rose to a whole new level when it was revealed that the character was Ford’s puppet. The penultimate episode saw his best work yet as he faced off against Anthony Hopkins, forcing Ford to let him access his earliest memories. Unfortunately, Ford couldn’t let him live after that and forced the host to blow his own artificial brains out.

It was a truly shocking moment that seems to squarely suggest that we’ve seen the last of Bernard on the show. The handy thing about robots though is that their bodies can be rebuilt and their minds re-uploaded. Ford constructed Bernard to replace his dead friend Arnold in the first place, so he might well build Bernard 2.0 for the same purpose.

Alternatively, season 2 could go further into the backstory of the park and explore Ford and Arnold’s fractured relationship. That would mean that, yes, the Bernard that we’ve known is dead but at least we’d still have more from Jeffrey Wright on the show.