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8 Questions We Want Answered In The Westworld Season 1 Finale

Somehow HBO's Westworld has managed to live up to all the initial lofty hype - it was touted as being "the next Game of Thrones" - and delivered a tightly-plotted rollercoaster of a first season, filled with terrific acting, great writing and shocks galore.

3) Will Maeve Escape?

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Thandie Newton’s Maeve has grown into one of Westworld‘s MVPs over the season. The brothel madame was smart enough to wind two techies around her little finger, in particular using Felix’s fascination – perhaps attraction – for her to change her core directives. Her aim, naturally, is to get out of the hellhole that is Westworld. Yet the odds seem stacked against her….

Since finding out that it’s impossible for a host to escape the park undetected, Maeve has changed her plan to include a full-on robo-attack of the facility. But will this uprising go to plan or will Maeve just be reset and put back in her loop – or, even worse, confined to the basement?

While we would love to think that at least one host will make it on their own, something tells us thing aren’t going to end well for Maeve. For instance, there’s still the mystery of who hacked her personality. Clearly, she’s just a cog in a wider conspiracy. The most likely scenario is that Charlotte and the board are using her to ship out Ford’s secret sauce information.

Whatever the outcome, we really hope we see more of Newton next year. In a show full of outstanding performances, she’s one of the best.