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8 Intriguing TV Spinoffs That Never Happened

When television spinoffs go right, they can succeed with flying colours. Just ask Frasier or The Flash, both of which were spawned from perfectly popular series but then managed to outshine their parent shows in most viewers’ hearts (Cheers and Arrow, respectively).

1) A Shed-Load Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Spinoffs

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Thanks to the ingenuity of creator Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer helped revolutionize genre TV over its seven year run from 1997 to 2003. As such, it’s no surprise it spawned an independently successful spinoff in Angel. If Whedon had had his way, however, there would have been many more.

Back when Buffy was still running, Fox greenlit an animated spinoff to be set in the early, high school-set years of the show. It would have featured most of the original cast, save Giselle Loren replacing Sarah Michelle Gellar. Six scripts were produced (and a short pitch presentation was animated), but the network sadly backed out of the project.

Once Buffy and Angel ended, Whedon worked on various follow-ups starring the likes of Faith, Giles and Spike. While Eliza Dushku turned down the opportunity to reprise her role, Anthony Head and James Marsters were both enthusiastic.

Sadly, perhaps due to Whedon’s busy schedule, neither of these got off the ground. Fans instead got more Buffy through the official comic book continuation, which is still going strong today.