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8 Doctor Who Characters We Want To See Return In Jodie Whittaker’s Era

2018 is a hugely significant year for Doctor Who as it will usher in a brand new era for the sci-fi behemoth. Last Christmas, showrunner Steven Moffat and Doctor Peter Capaldi exited the series, handing the reigns of the show over to new exec producer Chris Chibnall and, most famously, Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth incarnation of the Time Lord.


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Here’s the character who kickstarted this article. In a recent batch of set photos, something curious happened. As well as snaps of Jodie Whittaker and the rest of the new cast, one image captured the one and only K-9, the Doctor’s faithful robot dog, on set as well. So, does this mean the beloved character from the classic series is really making a return?

Well, maybe not. It could have just been a very high quality replica that some fan had brought along to filming (other photos depicted fan-made Daleks, for instance). However, even if this pic is misleading, then we’re starting the campaign to get K-9 back on board the TARDIS for real. Since appearing opposite Tom Baker’s Doctor in the 1970s, the metal mutt has proven indestructible, even starring in both The Sarah Jane Adventures and the little-remembered K-9 spinoffs.

We’ve heard that Chibnall wants to bring the show back to being a family series and what better way is there to do that then to bring back a character that children will love and parents, and even grandparents, might remember fondly from their youth? Interestingly, there was a rumour last year that the Thirteenth Doctor could be getting an “animal companion,” so maybe we shouldn’t dismiss that K-9 photo, after all.