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8 Characters Who Should Appear On The Flash Season Three

This week saw The Flash race to the end of its current run with one of its most shocking episodes ever. The show's sophomore outing might not have been as widely loved its first season, but it was definitely highly entertaining – which was largely due to the many characters from the comic book mythology that were introduced. We had Jay Garrick, Killer Frost, Zoom, Wally West, Jesse Quick… the list goes on and on.

1) Cobalt Blue

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Cobalt Blue

Back in season one, there were a lot of theories that Iris’ boyfriend Eddie Thawne would become a villain – seeing how every member of the Thawne family in the comics has gone on to become a bad ‘un. In the end, Eddie actually sacrificed himself to stop the Reverse Flash. But have we really seen the last of the character?

In his final scene, he appeared to be wearing a talisman around his neck. Such a trinket usually belongs to Cobalt Blue AKA Malcolm Thawne. In the comics, Malcolm is actually Barry’s long-lost twin brother who used a magic talisman in his quest to steal Barry’s life – his friends, loved ones and, most importantly, his speed.

This would definitely fit Eddie, who was always jealous of Iris and Barry’s relationship. No one stays dead on this show either, so it wouldn’t be too far-fetched for Eddie to come back as a twisted version of himself. Going by that easter egg from season one, maybe this has been the plan all along?