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8 Aborted Story Arcs That Would Have Totally Changed TV Shows

Unlike movies (though they can change a lot, too), TV series are made in such a way that the unfolding story is constantly evolving and being reformed. Even at the start of the process, after the idea goes through the network and producers, a show rarely ends up being exactly as the creators originally conceived it. Other times, shows take unexpected avenues during their run as public reaction or actors’ performances influence the direction of certain story arcs.

4) The Simpsons

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Having told 27 years’ worth of episodes that reset by the time of the end credits, The Simpsons has never had much in way of overarching story arcs. But this could have changed if two planned twists, conceived way back at the character designing stage, had actually gone ahead.

Ever wondered why Krusty and Homer look alike? Well, this was because creator Matt Groening’s original idea was for Krusty to have been revealed as Homer in disguise at some point. The joke being that Bart’s hero was actually his deadbeat dad. However, once Krusty garnered his own popularity, this was dropped.

Similarly, there was also a reason for Marge’s ridiculously large beehive hair-do to start with. Initially, the idea was to reveal that Marge had rabbit ears hidden under there. Presumably, this was ditched when everyone realized how weird an idea that was.