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7 Marvel Shows That Netflix Should Make After Daredevil

Dominating cinemas with the most popular movies of the last decade just isn't enough for some people, hence Marvel's decision to expand their cinematic universe into the realm of TV. Neither Agent Carter or Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were received as well as hoped, although I hear that S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't a complete piece of crap if you stick with it through the first few episodes. Fortunately though, if you don't have the patience for it, things look set to improve now that Marvel has struck a deal with Netflix to produce new comic book based content.

3) Cloak & Dagger

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cloak and dagger

The concept behind Cloak & Dagger sure does sound like Marvel’s writers just picked a phrase at random in a desperate attempt to devise some new characters, and that’s kind of true. However, the unusual pair have become fan favourites over the years, steadily amassing their own fanbase through numerous guest appearances in other heroes’ books.

Cloak & Dagger started out as two runaways who were kidnapped and used to test experimental drugs that gave the pair unique powers. Cloak gained the ability to teleport himself and others through a dimension of darkness, but this newfound gift also came with a terrible hunger that could only be eased by consuming the light of others. In contrast, Dagger could create bolts of light that drained the life force of others.

The partnership between the two heroes is unique in that they are wholly dependent on one another. Without Dagger’s light source, Cloak would lose control and consume every foe the pair faced. This dynamic could form a strong basis for a Netflix show and their ongoing battle against drug dealers would also slot in nicely with the street level focus Marvel has adopted for these programs.