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7 Marvel Shows That Netflix Should Make After Daredevil

Dominating cinemas with the most popular movies of the last decade just isn't enough for some people, hence Marvel's decision to expand their cinematic universe into the realm of TV. Neither Agent Carter or Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were received as well as hoped, although I hear that S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't a complete piece of crap if you stick with it through the first few episodes. Fortunately though, if you don't have the patience for it, things look set to improve now that Marvel has struck a deal with Netflix to produce new comic book based content.

5) Morbius

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Morbius The Living Vampire

When you think of classic Spider-Man enemies, a vampire with bad hair may not spring immediately to mind, but the anti-hero Morbius has become a cult Marvel character over the years, even earning himself a regular guest slot on the animated Spider-Man show of the 1990’s.

In an attempt to cure himself of a fatal blood disease, bio-chemist Michael Morbius accidentally transformed himself into a pseudo-vampire, gaining the strengths and weaknesses of those sexy as hell creatures of the night, including super strength and a lust for blood.

Vampires aren’t as popular as they once were, due in large part to True Blood‘s decline in quality and Twilight‘s… well… because of Twilight, but there’s still an audience for those filthy bloodsuckers as the success of The Vampire Diaries proves.

The issue here is that it’s difficult to make vampire shows exciting without coming across as cheesy or camp. We’ve also yet to see the supernatural side of the Marvel Universe play a significant part in any of the movies yet, but with Doctor Strange looming on the horizon, it’s about time Marvel took a chance on a character like Morbius. And where better than on Netflix, where the writers can explore the more mature, graphic aspects of the Marvel Universe more freely.

Vampire sex… we’re talking vampire sex here, folks.