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9 Comic Book Characters That Deserve Their Own TV Show

6) She-Hulk

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She-Hulk isn’t exactly one of the heroes that most people have on their top 10 list, but that doesn’t mean she is a bad or “uninteresting” character.

The cousin of the Hulk, she gained her powers from a blood transfusion provided by Bruce Banner. Not only does she have the ability to Hulk-out, but she gets to keep her intelligence and regular personality as well, unlike her cousin. Of course, for a show like this you’d more than likely need to use some heavy CGI to have the character go from 5’10 to 6’7. Unless Marvel has some amazonian stunt-women on retainer.

Still, it would be cool to show in the MCU that Bruce Banner has a cousin who shares the exact same powers as him.


5) Zeus


Alright, this one may sound kinda out of left-field, and I get why. BUT, a Zeus TV show would work on Netflix in a similar style to Game of Thrones/Vikings. And the real kicker is it could take place in the current time-frame of the overall MCU, just in another realm/location.

The show would also be a good way to introduce some of the newer, more powerful Marvel heroes and villains in the universe as well as old ones, such as having Surtur cameo in the show, or even Thor.

Now, the budget here would have to be rather steep, but that’s why you’d put it on Netflix, where they could more than likely afford all of the VFX.