Arthur Mitchell – Dexter
Okay, let us take a moment and be honest here. We have all said it and heard it many times, but the ending of Dexter sucked, a lot. It just did not go where it should have. But this was Showtime being aware they had a damn fine character on their hands and wanting to leave the door open for a sequel or a prequel. They have pretty much gone on record and admitted that is NOT the ending the creators wanted, it was the ending the network demanded.
But let’s go back even further in the show’s history. Let’s go back in time to when The Trinity Killer was still an issue for good ol’ Dex. All I need to say is John Lithgow played Arthur Mitchell SO creepily and we just did not get enough time with him. We got some real insight into his fucked up childhood on the show, but how about a series that actually tells us that whole story? It may be bleak and dark and a bit fucked up, but so is life.