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5 Minor It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Characters That We Want More Of In Season 9

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia has become such a beloved show due in large part to its 5 core characters. Dennis, Mac, Charlie, Dee, and Frank are all hilarious in their own way, and get better with each season that passes. Some of the secondary characters are great as well. Rickety Cricket, the Waitress, and the McPoyles all have returned many times, and brought plenty of laughs with them.


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Back when the Gang attempted to solve the North Korea situation, Charlie came across a bus girl named Sun-Li, and it was love at first sight. This was the first time we got to see Charlie fall in love with a girl who didn’t hate his guts, and they were just about perfect for each other. They both hate mean people, they both like pizza, and they both even think kissing is icky. I mean, the girl saw Charlie grab a hot pocket out of the trash and she had no thoughts on that. At all. She’s perfect!

The only thing that kept her from actually being perfect was the minor fact that she was merely 12 years old. That put a kink in Charlie’s plans of marriage, and certainly wrecked the wet t-shirt contest the Gang had planned at Paddy’s. But that was back in season 3, it’s now season 9, meaning six years have passed and little Sun-Li is now 18.

She’s the girl Charlie’s been waiting for, so bring her back into the picture. She shows up at Paddy’s, wanting to see Charlie, and now speaks impeccable English, so well in fact that he hardly recognizes her. Everyone loves a story of rekindled love, and this would be no different. Plus, bringing Sun-Li into an episode means the show could bring back Mr. Kim, and that’s something everyone would be very excited about.