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The 20 Most Shocking Game Of Thrones Moments

Perhaps more than any other show this decade, Game of Thrones has reveled in its ability to wrongfoot an audience. Shocks come with each new season. It's a series that's constantly trying to catch its viewers off guard, butchering and beating up its key characters mercilessly in a constant, concentrated effort to surprise.

11) Arya Feeds Walder Frey His Own Children

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Did Walder Frey deserve what he eventually got? Did he have it coming? Even those traumatized by the Red Wedding would find it hard to deny that Walder Frey’s end is anything but gross, as Arya Stark finally puts all that faceless men training to use to feed Walder Sr. some son pie, before ending his life.

“Where are my sons, Lothar and Black Walder?” he asks the serving girl. “Here my Lord,” she replies, peeling back the pie crust to reveal the human filling. As Arya Stark coolly removes her mask before slitting the Lord of the Crossing’s throat, we simultaneously lose one major player in King’s Landing and see another come into her own in a way hardly fitting of the good Stark name. We all knew Arya wanted revenge – but who knew she wanted it this bad?

10) Ramsay Makes A Eunuch Of Theon

ramsay pork sausage

Having seen what Ramsay was capable of already – toying with Theon by setting him free, then recapturing him and indulging in a casual bit of skin-peeling torture – we should have been ready for anything from the character. But the scene in which Ramsay castrates Theon (off-screen, but we feel it regardless) was still almost unbearable.

It all begins innocently. Ramsay treats Theon to a night with two beautiful women, before interrupting, having his men hold Theon down, then proceeding to take a knife and remove Theon’s manhood. The way Ramsay teases Theon after by eating a pork sausage in front of him serves only to compound the misery, and indicate further just how sadistic this Bolton bastard is.