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The 10 Most Scandalous Moments On Downton Abbey

In between the prim and proper ways of the beautiful estate that is Downton Abbey are secrets, lies, scandals and sometimes, even horrible tragedy. There’s more than meets the eyes when it comes to the Granthams, their elite friends and their staff. In between all of the fancy attire, over the top dinners and massive amounts of cleaning to keep the large house neat and tidy, we have some of the most dirty little secrets.

7) Freda Dudley Ward: A Real-Life Scandal

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In the Season 4 Christmas special, Salem’s Janet Montgomery pops up as someone from the history books: Freda Dudley Ward.

Born Winifred May Birkin, Freda was known to all as mistress to the Prince of Wales. You know, the one who also had a great love affair with Wallis Simpson? He even married her, which was frowned upon seeing as she was a divorcee. If you don’t know what I’m referring to, just go watch The King’s Speech.

Talk about a real-life scandal.

On Downton, we first meet Freda through Rose. Apparently, just being a mistress isn’t scandalous enough, as a particular letter from the Prince of Wales evolves into quite the game of detective, involving Mary, Rose and Charles Blake.

8) In the Words Of Lady Gaga: Poker Face


Let’s get to this letter. The Prince of Wales wrote Freda a love letter, and she put in her purse. Then, swindler Terence Sampson (remember how he took all of Robert’s money during a poker game and Michael Gregson got it back?) steals said letter.

Freda confides in Rose about the missing letter, so Rose runs to Lord Grantham explaining the situation. Robert decides the best way to handle this catastrophe is by holding a poker game — we all know Sampson won’t ignore an opportunity to make a little dough.

While Robert distracts Sampson, Mary, Rose and Blake search his room for the letter. The plan falls flat, as the trio find nothing. Thanks to Bates and his mind that thinks like a swindling criminal, he finds the letter in Sampson’s jacket — why wouldn’t he keep something of value closest to him?

In the end the letter is returned, and we’re all left feeling that this plan was as complex as Danny Ocean’s plan to rob the Bellagio.