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10 Reasons You Should Be Watching Legion

After 17 years of the X-Men movie universe, Fox are finally branching out into the medium of television of with FX's new prestige drama, Legion. Starring Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey, Beauty and the Beast), the series follows David Haller - a schizophrenic psychiatric patient who finds out that he's actually one of the most powerful mutants in the world. We've only seen one episode so far, but we have to say, we're pretty damn impressed with it.

1) It’s Totally Unlike Any Other Comic Book Show

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We’ve skirted around this point already, but it needs to be said out right: going by its first episode, Legion is unlike any other comic book show we’ve seen before. Its small connection to a wider universe, its lack of usual superhero tropes and all-round unique style make it unlikely that a passing viewer would even know that it’s based on a comic book character.

While David does join up with a sort of X-Men-type group of mutants at the end of the pilot, we can’t see the show delving into the familiar realm of super-powered team saves the world, nor do we see David being healed enough to don a costume and become a superhero any time soon.

With a strong creative vision, striking visuals and a bevy of unlikely influences, Legion is a fresh take on a crowded – and, let’s face it, often cookie-cutter – genre. The pilot episode really grabbed our attention and if Hawley and Stevens and their team can continue to deliver, then Legion should have no trouble becoming appointment viewing.