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10 Reasons You Should Be Watching Legion

After 17 years of the X-Men movie universe, Fox are finally branching out into the medium of television of with FX's new prestige drama, Legion. Starring Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey, Beauty and the Beast), the series follows David Haller - a schizophrenic psychiatric patient who finds out that he's actually one of the most powerful mutants in the world. We've only seen one episode so far, but we have to say, we're pretty damn impressed with it.

4) The Visuals Are Incredible

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As we just touched upon, Legion‘s genius doesn’t just lie in its creative, off-the-wall writing, but also in its strong, unique visual flavour.

Though the evidence suggests it’s set in contemporary times, the fashions, decor and architecture of Legion indicates it takes place in the swinging sixties, which reflects the trippy, psychedelic vibe it’s going for. It works as a terrific visual metaphor for how the world David inhabits is unhinged and doesn’t make sense.

It’s not an action-driven show, but the climax of the pilot episode does show that it has the potential to excel in that area as well. A protracted chase sequence between mutants and humans is all done in one, long take a la Daredevil‘s famed corridor fight scenes.

It’s unashamed authorial tone may put off some, but if you like a TV show that pops out of the screen and grabs your attention, then Legion is for you.