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10 Reasons You Should Be Watching Legion

After 17 years of the X-Men movie universe, Fox are finally branching out into the medium of television of with FX's new prestige drama, Legion. Starring Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey, Beauty and the Beast), the series follows David Haller - a schizophrenic psychiatric patient who finds out that he's actually one of the most powerful mutants in the world. We've only seen one episode so far, but we have to say, we're pretty damn impressed with it.

7) A Brilliant Cast

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It’s not just behind the scenes where Legion has top tier talent, as the on-screen players are pretty darn captivating, too.

In the first episode, we mostly focus on Dan Steven’s David, but his two female supporting co-stars also stand-out. Parks and Recreation‘s Aubrey Plaza is a delight as Lenny, David’s best bud at Clockworks Psychiatric Hospital. Constantly spaced-out and bopping away to unheard tunes on her headphones, it’s hard to work out what role she’ll have in the series going forward, but we look forward to finding out.

Rachel Keller (who worked with Hawley on Fargo season 2), meanwhile, plays Syd Barrett, David’s girlfriend and the show’s sweet yet kooky love interest. Initially a standoffish patient who can’t stand to be touched, Keller gets to show a lot of different sides to this enigmatic character across the first episode and we imagine there’s a lot more to come from her in the rest of the season.