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10 Possible Superhero Shows For DC’s New Digital Service

What a time to be a DC fan! Yesterday, news dropped that Warner Bros. Digital Network will launch a new DC digital service in 2018. While the contents of the service are mostly a mystery, details were revealed about two new series: Titans and Young Justice: Outsiders. Obviously, it's like Christmas in April, but everyone is still asking, what other superhero shows could be in the pipeline for this new service?

Swamp Thing

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Swamp Thing has always been a precarious character for DC. In the 80s and early 90s, the character received a TV show, two films, and an extremely short-lived animated series. Since then, his popularity has been on a slow decline, hovering on the periphery of DC’s stories.

However, in recent times, his stock has started to climb again and we could be entering a Swamp Thing renaissance of sorts. While a live-action series might prove to be a step too far for him at the moment, there’s nothing stopping DC from making a darker, edgier animated series in the same vein as Justice League Dark.

Alan Moore has already penned the best tales for this botanical hero, so it’s only up to the creative team to adapt them for the digital screen. If DC’s looking for a quick win for its new platform, it needs to look no further than a Swamp Thing series. It’s sure to be a fan-approved endeavor and one of the most-watched superhero shows.