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8 Once Great TV Shows That Lasted Too Long

Few TV shows can keep up the quality over an extended runtime. While they might start at the top of their game, a few seasons later the bar starts to drop and before you know it your favourite series has become a shadow of its once great self.

5) The Office (U.S)

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You shouldn’t, but it’s hard to resist comparing the original British The Office and its US counterpart. While Ricky Gervais’ creation was perfectly formed at a tiny 14 episodes, the version that starred Steve Carrell ran on to an enormous 201 episodes.

While the first six seasons were some of the best TV comedy out there, the show lost a lot of its greatness when the tentpoles of the series started to change. Once Jim and Pam got together, for example, the ‘will-they-won’t-they’ element that had driven the show disappeared. Likewise, when Carell stepped down from the role of Michael Scott, it lost the linchpin that was holding it together.

To be fair to The Office, it had a good ending, as it wrapped up various plot threads and character arcs when it finally concluded after nine seasons. It just wasn’t the show it used to be.