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Beyond The Defenders: 10 Characters We Want To See In Future Marvel/Netflix Series

By now, most of us will have binge-watched all eight episodes of Marvel's The Defenders and are left wondering "so, what's next?" Well, coming up we have a handful of follow-up seasons to all four of the Defenders' solo shows, as well as a spinoff for The Punisher, who previously appeared on Daredevil.

5) Typhoid Mary

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One of the great strengths of Jessica Jones‘ debut season was the heroine’s nemesis Kilgrave, as chillingly yet charismatically played by David Tennant. Though we know that the character will somehow return for season 2, it’s likely this is in the form of hallucinations or flashbacks and we won’t see Kilgrave return from the dead and play the role of the big bad again. So, which character is complex enough to take his place? We might have a suggestion.

It’s a slightly unconventional pick, but we think Typhoid Mary would make a compelling new arch-enemy for Jessica. In the comics, Mary’s a prostitute who’s accidentally knocked out a window by Daredevil. The trauma unlocked her mutant powers and she became the insane Typhoid Mary, a sadistic, ultra-violent assassin with telekinesis and pyrokinesis.

On Netflix, you could easily swap Jessica for Daredevil – which would actually work better, as she’s known for carrying around guilt for her past actions. Interestingly, Mary’s last name is Walker – the same as Jessica’s adoptive sister Trish…