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The 10 Best Daredevil/Elektra Moments From Season 2

Season two of Daredevil is now streaming on Netflix, and it's fair to say that Marvel has once again delivered a real winner for fans. With plenty of action and lots of material for fans of the comic books to get excited about, one of the show's biggest draws this year is the introduction of Elektra.

6) The Death Of Elektra

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In the comics, Elektra dies in Matt’s arms after being stabbed by Bullseye during a battle to decide who should be The Kingpin’s top assassin. However, the show handles things a little differently, making Nobu the one responsible and having Elektra perish after giving up her life to save Daredevil.

It’s a heart wrenching moment, and Matt’s outburst of rage following this shocking turn of events gaveĀ Charlie Cox a chance to shine as an actor. Plus, Elektra’s death was done in such a different setting to the source material that it’s fair to say this was a moment no on really saw coming.