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‘This Texas dry heat ain’t no joke’: Lawn catches fire while homeowner is out, and nearly takes the house with it

The culprit may be children playing with fireworks.

Screengrabs via TikTok

Summer heat in Texas can be intense, in fact, this summer, much of Texas saw record-breaking heat. Among many consequences, the miserable temperatures can cause trees, flowers, and grass to dry out from the drought.

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For most, this just leads to brown yards and dying gardens, but for this Texas woman dry grass and rising temperatures led to a fire in her front yard. In her viral TikTok, Sarah Sikorski shows security camera footage of smoking in her front yard which leads to a growing circle of fire on her grass. Millions of viewers watched the yard slowly and mysteriously go up in flames. Thankfully, her neighbors and the fire department put out the fire before it could cause any damage to her home.

Commenters have a lot of thoughts and speculation over how exactly the fire started. Some said that they thought they saw a firecracker flying across the street and igniting the yard and others thought that the culprit might’ve been a reflection from a window that eventually lit a fire.

Sarah posted several updates, including one extended version of the security footage where her audience can see the neighbors swooping to the rescue and another that was a zoomed-in version where viewers can vaguely see something hitting the grass and causing the fire.

She told her audience that she has seen a couple of suspicious kids that passed in front of the camera several times. Sarah once again took to tikTok to show her audience her camera setup and the parking lot across the street, which many people suspected was the location that the fireworks may have come from.


She told concerned viewers that she was actually having an investigator look into the cause of the fire since so many people suspected that it was shot from across the street. She told her audience that there was a stadium across the street from her house which very well could have been the location of the source of whatever caused the incident. Commenters suggested that she install a sprinkler system and maybe even more cameras to get to the bottom of the issue.

Fires like this one have become an increasingly growing problem across the United States. According to the National Fire Interagency Center, there have been 92 wildfires this year across the United States that have collectively destroyed more than 600 thousand acres. Texas alone currently reports 8 major fires. In light of all of the fires, the NFIC recommends practicing fire safety and teaching it to your children.

Sarah has yet to post any more updates about investigations regarding the fire in her yards, but Texans and neighbors beware. Remember to water dry grass and maybe install a sprinkler system if there may be irresponsible fire-playing in your neighborhood.