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‘The threenager stage was the worst!’: Mom takes frustrations out on camera instead of drama queen daughter

When the backyard looks more inviting than your bedroom, you know things are bad.

Screenshots via Cactustate/TikTok

Raising a kid ain’t for the faint of heart. Some will say the terrible twos are awful, others will insist teenage years are the worst. But for TikToker Cactustate it’s the “threenager.” 

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But what is a threenager? It’s a phrase that’s gained popularity in recent times to describe three-year-olds who have all the rebelliousness of a teenager with the attitude of a toddler, and for this TikToker it’s a phase that hopefully doesn’t last too long. The tiny tot’s behavior is so bad that the mom is hiding from her own daughter outside.

“I am hiding outside right now, because I have an overwhelming urge to judo chop my three year old right in her little baby clavicle. Put her in a full Nelson and give her a little nuggie. But I won’t do that, I’m her mother, I can’t stoop down to her level and that’s illegal.”

Obviously this is a joke, at least I hope it is, but things only get funnier once Cactustate starts explaining why her child is causing so much frustration. The tyke refuses to listen to her mothers words, even when those words are only trying to give her daughter advice for her own protection.

“I try and use my words, she’s not listening, she doesn’t have her listening ears on […] she is actively going out of her way to defy me and it’s not like I’m asking her to move the moon.”

But that’s the trouble with kids in their threenage era, they tend to have a problem with authority. In fact, they seem to give the finger to anyone trying to tell them what to do.

“I’m asking her: “hey don’t run on the back of the couches like that you could get hurt, hey, don’t stick metal in an electrical outlet you could get shocked and hurt” I’m just trying to help her.”

But it gets worse and somehow even more funny as the TikToker revealed that her daughter even told her she hated her. For what reason you might ask?

“Because she had a bowl of goldfish. And she walked to her room, dumped it in her laundry basket, came back to me and asked for more. What is she preparing for war? Is she going into hibernation? What is she storing food for?”

Cactustate has clearly had enough of the threenager phase.

“It’s a phase. It’s gonna pass […] Needs to pass, or I’m moving out here and [into] the backyard with… With this trampoline as my bed.”

Users in the comments related to the struggling mom’s experience as many shared their own troubles with the awkward threenager phase.

“omg…so I’m not alone??”

“I told my 3 year old to put his listening ears on and he actively plugged his ears with his fingers..”

“The threenager stage was the worst!”

Whilst toddlers can be a handful for their stressed out mothers at times, at least stories such as this one can give us all a good chuckle.