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The ‘Silent Walk’ TikTok trend, explained

The newest hot girl walk.

Screengrabs via @GrataWellness and @MadyMaio on TikTok

If there’s one thing that TikTok has proven, anything can become a trend. If people take to it, they are quick to integrate it into their day to day lives. The latest one is simply an unplugged walk. Though it sounds simple, people are raving about how much the “Silent Walk” trend is changing their daily routine, and fortifying their mental health.

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Mady Maio shared a video of her daily routine where she goes on a thirty minute walk. The routine started becasue her doctor recommended walking every day in order to decrease the intensity of her workouts. As an added challenge, she decided to start taking these walks with no distractions. No podcasts, no music, and no videos playing the background. The daily walk turned out be amazing for her body, mind, and business. She shared that she comes up with her best ideas when she’s distraction-free, and feels like she’s able to solve a lot more problems this way.


The trend has caught on, and people all across TikTok have started going on their own silent walks on the daily and it seems to be yielding amazing results. People have shared countless videos about how taking the time to intentionally unplug has been amazing for their stress and anxiety levels, as well as their physical fitness.


The trend isn’t without controversy; many people are criticizing and poking fun at those promoting the silent walk, saying that what they’re doing is just walking like a normal person, and there’s no reason to be making it a whole trend. Many people are pointing out that taking an undistracted walk in order to clear your head or sort out your thoughts is an obvious, ages-old solution to a scattered brain.

Regardless of wether this trend is new branding on an old practice, Today reports that the viral trend has roots in Buddhist practice. Buddhist Monks apparently do this often as a way to connect with their core selves, which is, even if unknowingly, exactly what partakers in this trend are doing. Psychologist Dr. Suzanne Hackenmiller told Today that depression and anxiety rates have risen drastically since the pandemic, and this trend is a great way for people to reclaim their mental health through natural approaches.

In this day and age, there are so many distractions that we often don’t give our brains time to rest until we’ve gone to sleep. If you find your thoughts full and yourself restless, as simple and obvious it may sound, give the trend a try. You may be surprised at what it may do for your mind, body, and soul.