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‘I can’t even imagine your stress level’: Family can’t leave by car after driveway collapses so badly it looks like a disaster zone

I sprained my ankle just looking at it.

Image via Kimberly Connolly/TikTok

A family’s driveway has been left looking like the aftermath of an Avengers movie due to it continuously caving in on itself.

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In the video shared to TikTok by user Kimberly Connolly, we are shown the path of destruction that leads all the way down from the family home. It’s a pretty ugly sight to behold and as you can imagine, driving a car over this “road” is a big no-no, you’d have better luck finding more usable roads on the moon. 


#nsstrong #nsflood2023 #halifax2023 5 days aftwr the flood. It’s still breaking. Cars are still trapped, insurance wont cover… we are screwed. https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-help-get-this-driveway-back

♬ original sound – Kimberly Connolly

If you told me that the drive was made from soggy tissue paper I’d believe you, judging by how much it has fallen apart; clearly something needs to be done about the problem, but Kimberly is at a loss for exactly what to do. According to her, the insurance company refuses to cover it, and the repairs look like they’ll be costly, but on the other hand, the driveway is literally a danger zone as she even rolls her ankle just walking on it. The cars are stuck parked outside, leaving the family stranded in their own home. They’ve had to resort to leaving signs down the bottom of the drive asking for snacks to be dropped off.

To make matters worse, Kimberly says that the drive is still collapsing, getting worse day by day. The video was posted back in July, and it’s hard to imagine it getting any worse, but a quick check of her account reveals that the driveway is still making her life a living hell, with Hurricane Lee only making the situation worse.

Viewers were kind enough to offer support and advice to the struggling family, with some who are local to the area even offering to bring groceries or help any way they can in person.

“I drive by this all of the time!!! Let me know if you need any help! Even if it’s to go get groceries or something. We’re just down the road ❤️”

Others offered advice on what needs to be done.

“You need to ground stabilise with a polyurethane grout. It will lock the soils and aggregates together and be a permanent fix. It also so stops water.”

Hope that makes sense to Kimberly, because I’ve not got a clue. Aside from the advice, many also expressed anger at the insurance company and asked for them to be named and shamed.

“Name your insurance company!!!!”

“we need to boycott these insurance companies they want your money but they don’t wanna pay for s*** they are thieves”

It’s no doubt a stressful situation for the family, who are caught between a rock and a bad driveway. More recent videos from Kimberly show a little improvement, but it’s still not an ideal situation.