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Meta Verified: How does Facebook and Instagram’s new paid verification system work?

Is it just Twitter Blue?

Mark Zuckerberg, via video, speaks at Into the Metaverse: Creators, Commerce and Connection during the 2022 SXSW Conference and Festivals at Austin Convention Center on March 15, 2022 in Austin, Texas.
Photo by Samantha Burkardt/Getty Images for SXSW

Social media is about to get a little more complicated. In what some might say is a response to Elon Musk’s Twitter Blue, Mark Zuckerberg and Meta are pushing through a new paid verification system for Facebook and Instagram. Both social media platforms boast billions of users. Chances are at least a few of you are wondering how exactly this new verification will work, how much it will cost, and when it will be available. 

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Let’s take a look at everything we know about Facebook’s new service.

The new paid verification

Mark Zuckerberg Meta Verified
Screenshot via Facebook

The new service is called Meta Verified, and it was announced by Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, which is the parent company of Instagram and Facebook. He describes it as “a subscription service that lets you verify your account with a government ID, get a blue badge, get extra impersonation protection against accounts claiming to be you, and get direct access to customer support.” 

How much does it cost?

These are worthwhile benefits for people who use Facebook often, as many people in the comments of his post are complaining that accounts impersonate them often. Still, users are outraged that they are expected to pay for the service, and you will have to fork over $11.99 per month on your web browser or $14.99 per month if you subscribe on iOS.

It will be rolling out to the platform soon, first coming to Australia and New Zealand this week. It was not clear when it will be available in other territories, but Zuckerberg did say it would be coming soon. The Australia and New Zealand rollout will be a test for the service. Facebook has a dedicated page that goes into a little more detail about what exactly the perks will be and, more importantly, how to get them. 

How to get Meta Verified

First of all, you need to meet the minimum requirement for how active you are on the platform, and you have to be over the age of 18. You will then need to submit a government ID that matches the name of your Facebook/Instagram account. Doing this and paying the fee will guarantee that you are connected with a human in customer support when you need one. Meta will be independently monitoring impersonations of your account, which seems better than the Twitter Blue service. You will also be getting access to increased reach and visibility, allowing other users to find you easier, as well as some exclusive features that are undisclosed as of writing.