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From Biden to Washington, the best presidents sporting mullets fan art

Joe Biden, John F. Kennedy, and Gerald Ford never looked better in this rendition of presidents sporting mullet haircuts.

Clinton Obama mullet
Images via Twitter/Cam Harless

Twitter can be controversial, combative, annoying, negative, and even positive, but sometimes it can be downright hilarious. Bird app user Cam Harless (@hamcarless) has decided that it would be wise to post pics of all of the U.S. presidents but with a twist — have them look cool and with a mullet. Yes, that’s right, a thread that shows if all of the U.S. Presidents had a mullet. Oh, the joy of it all. We agree with Cam’s wisdom and thank him for, well, using his head.

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Posting such pics of presidents can be a hairy situation but we take a look at our favorites while strongly encouraging you to check out the entire thread on your own. In the meantime, let your hair down and enjoy these favorites of ours.

Joe Biden can benefit from sporting this look, maybe it will even increase bipartisan support.

Trump looks like a biker while Obama looks way too cool for this thread.

Clinton looks like a retired rock star while George H.W. Bush looks more like a cartoon rendition of himself.

Gerald Ford gets our vote for the coolest look of all of them while Jimmy Carter looks like he can be a detective on Law & Order.

Kennedy and Eisenhower are completely unrecognizable. We dare say that Eisenhower looks like a punk.

Andrew Johnson looks mean and focused while Abraham Lincoln has pirate vibes.

James Madison basically looks the same while Thomas Jefferson looks like an 18th-century soap opera.

George Washington looks like a pilot but John Adams doesn’t look all that different.

After looking through this creative thread, we have mixed feelings and confusingly conclude by wondering if the presidential mullet should be mandatory while simultaneously being grateful that it isn’t.