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The perfect Trump supporter meeting place has already been determined on Telegram

The ex-POTUS might want to familiarize himself with the premises, anyway.

Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Kevin McCarthy
Photo by Brandon Bell/Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s “I am getting arrested next Tuesday” prediction is indeed coming true, even though it is a bit delayed — in his defense, he didn’t say which Tuesday, and every time a Tuesday passes, there’s always a Tuesday next in line. His supporters, particularly Marjorie Taylor Greene, are now trying to fight the inevitable by calling for protests in favor of Trump escaping the consequences of his actions. So, when MTG yet again called to end the “witch hunt” with protests — though Trump’s own attempts at instigating one failed disastrously —  the Georgia Republican was offered the perfect spot for holding said get-together. 

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Greene has promised to be in New York on the big day, and has been using her Twitter accounts — including the one that was suspiciously re-instated within hours of being suspended — to stress her willingness to Stan for the ex-POTUS. But putting together a MAGA demonstration will need a lot of preparation, not to mention a proper place that gives their protests the needful gravitas. 

Well, Greene can’t say now that those consciously steering away from the sinking Trump-ship (Trump-tanic, anyone?) aren’t helpful, as one person in the comments gave her the perfect location, along with the coordinates and the Google Map link. 


Yep, wouldn’t the Rikers Island Correctional facility make just the right place to hold all Trump supporters… um, we mean their planned protest? Or should we say “protests,” because anyone with a steady internet connection knows that the Stormy Daniels case is not the only ongoing major investigation against Trump. Who knows, before too long, Trump himself might become familiar with the place.