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Stephen King refuses to pull punches on his thoughts about Donald Trump’s future

The master wordsmith only needs one word to sum up his thoughts about the former President.

Photo by Rick Kern/WireImage

Horror author Stephen King isn’t afraid to pull some punches when it comes to his political opinions. Now, he’s back at it once again, this time sharing his thoughts about what he thinks should happen to former U.S. President Donald Trump. Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with the upcoming 2024 election.

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King gave a simple response when someone on Twitter asked what type of punishment would be very fitting for the indicted former President, heavy jail time or to be financially ruined. To no one’s surprise, King didn’t hold back in his response and shared an answer that was probably front of mind for a sizable chunk of the population.

It makes sense why King felt that “both” is an appropriate answer. The former President was impeached twice during his term as President. Not to mention, being accused of “inciting violence against the Government of the United States” due to the Jan. 6 Capitol riots back in 2021. And most recently, he was indicted back in March of this year, which Trump claimed was a “witch hunt” made by the “radical left democrats,” and will be facing criminal charges relating to sending hush money to adult star Stormy Daniels regarding their alleged 2006 affair before the 2016 elections.

If that wasn’t enough, even more recently he was ordered to pay damages to Jean E. Carroll in a sexual abuse and defamation civil suit. Should we go on? Regardless of these crimes and allegations, it doesn’t stop the former US President from running for President in the 2024 election, with Floridian Governor Ron DeSantis being his primary rival for the Republican candidacy.

King has never shied away from going after Trump on social media, but he’s far from the only Republican leader that he’s called out. King has made comments towards Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, and Kevin McCarthy, just to name a few.