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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s attempt to turn Twitter into a distressed science classroom immediately backfires

Mad scientist Marge has an interesting ring to it.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Getty
Megan Varner / Getty Images

If you haven’t been paying much attention to the news lately, then you’ve probably missed the rising trend of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene consistently finding herself in the headlines for spewing the most pointless hogwash imaginable. Now, the 48-year-old politician has switched gears from trying to sell mugs with her name on them to attempting to turn the entire Twitter platform into a science class full of disgruntled students.

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Via her official account, Greene took to the site to share feelings about climate change that have been boiling beneath the surface for some time now. What we didn’t expect, however, was Greene to go off on a complete tangent and discuss the basic topics taught in a public school science class — including the solar systems, the sun’s rotation, universal travel, and planets.

As hard as Greene might have been trying to educate the masses on the climate change “scam,” commenters immediately swarmed in the replies as a plethora of users scratched their heads and wondered why they were collectively back in science class. All the while, a portion of separate users insisted that lunch was the only subject that MTG excelled at and that we definitely don’t need “mad scientist Marge” on the app. Ouch.

Of course, a verbal pounding on Twitter has never stopped the politician from spewing nonsense before, so perhaps we’ll get even more lectures from Greene in the future — but a completely different subject matter should probably be in the cards.