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Marjorie Taylor Greene turns over a new leaf and explains exactly why she is ‘enemy of the state’

Did someone slip MTG a truth serum or something?

Marjorie Taylor Greene - Getty
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Every day, Marjorie Taylor Greene points out how she and Donald Trump are the real heroes of America and are facing the injustice of being misunderstood when all she is doing is aiding her presidential champion in making America great again. But the truth is bound to slip out now and again as recently, MTG ended up indulging in a rare moment of truth by listing out exactly why sane people aren’t rushing to support her. 

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In a recent tweet, Greene proceeded to exercise her non-existent wit to mock how she is being called the “enemy of the state” for opinions she likes to think are beyond justified — banning women from exercising their right to access safe and legal abortion and then calling herself “pro-life,” failing to widen her narrow mentality and throwing around terms like “groomers” as well as actively piling hate on drag queens in her anti-LGBTQ+ crusade, etc. 

While Greene was trying her best to highlight how unfair it is that the rest of the sane world likes to keep their distance from her toxic endeavors and often call her out for her problematic thought train, she ended up spewing a little too much truth in her attempt to paint herself as the heroic martyr in this scenario. 

A few remind the politician that she might perceive herself as the angel from heaven, but the facts are pretty much clear. 

While it seems impossible, just imagine what would happen if MTG used her superpowers — like her ability to become DCU’s new Flash — for good.

But sometimes, it is better to accept the truth. 

Though expecting Greene to actually sit down for quiet introspection is probably akin to expecting the Earth to stop rotating, such rare moments of the Georgia Congresswoman accidentally engaging in what is right does give us hope.