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Marjorie Taylor Greene is DC’s Flash in the flesh, cracks Trump-less NYC’s ‘real’ woes with her 5 sad minutes in the city

Move over Barry Allen, MTG is here.

Marjorie Taylor Greene - Getty
Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

What can’t Marjorie Taylor Greene do? She can incessantly promote her anti-LGBTQ+ views while engaging in racism at the same time, she can keep harping the tune of Donald Trump’s greatness and how he saved America, and demand more guns a few hours after three children are killed in a shooting. But this time, she exhibited her hidden superpowers by arriving at a speedy conclusion of exactly what was “wrong” with New York in the minutes before she had to leave her own mini-protest in the city. 

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Just a few days ago, Trump was in NYC — not to be confused with his recent trip downtown to meet a “racist” — to get arrested and arraigned. His supporters, led by MTG, were drowned out by anti-Trump protestors while the Georgia Congresswoman tried to make passionate proclamations of Trump’s innocence, how the city was headed for hell because of the Democrats, and how Joe Biden’s administration was unraveling everything “good” that her beloved presidential candidate had managed to establish during his four years as president. 

Though Greene claimed how grand the protest supporting Trump was, she left [read: fled] the same within minutes of arrival and wades her way out of a crowd of anti-Trump protestors. But evidently, the few precious minutes she spent in NYC — where she barely got to see the entirety of it — was enough to secretly grant the politician’s imagination Flash’s super speed, so she could (poorly) fantasize what a city that doesn’t run on her and Trump’s bigoted opinions must look like. 

Apparently, while she was trying to edge in a word or two, attempting to brave the anti-Trump protestors, and then trying to run away from the whistles, she had enough sensory bandwidth to become an expert when it comes to New York. This is not the first time she has made the comment — during an interview with Fox News she claimed that the streets of the city are “filthy, they’re covered with people, um, basically dying on drugs, they can’t even stand up, they’re falling over.”

But while those comments aired on TV, this time Greene airing the same views via her tweet had commentators not trying and voluntarily failing to exercise their non-existent restraint at mocking the U.S. Representative. 

Some decided to remind MTG exactly what she saw (or well, heard) during her brief stay in NYC. 

Others, who don’t possess Greene’s enthusiasm for conjuring stories out of thin air and actually rely on their senses, also shared their thoughts on her post. 

Apparently, being run out of town the last time gave Greene enough nightmares to last a lifetime as she didn’t rush to give Trump moral support when he arrived in New York for his second deposition. Are you — like us — also wondering what she would have seen this time? Alas, our boring imagination isn’t skilled in barking up the wrong tree every single time.