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Marjorie Taylor Greene flailing around on a pull-up bar might be more disturbing than her politics

Up and down, sweetie.

Marjorie Taylor Greene doing pull-ups
Photo via Scott Olson/Getty Images

Far-right U.S. representative Marjorie Taylor Greene wears a lot of hats — most of them ill-fitting —  but the hat she’s arguably least equipped to wear (besides Congresswoman) is that of a CrossFit athlete.

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Take, for example, Greene’s Instagram post from Feb. 26 in which she shared a montage of workout routines to the soundtrack of “Unstoppable” by Sia. We believe — although we could be wrong — that what Congresswoman Greene is attempting to do here is some version of a pull-up. 

In reality, we know Greene is doing, or trying to do, a pull-up referred to as a “butterfly pull-up” in the CrossFit world, but the jury is still out about whether we can accurately refer to it as that. 

Does this sound mean, picking on someone who’s minding their own business, trying to stay fit? That’s never stopped Greene from harassing the LGBTQ+ community, the Muslim community, the Jewish community, the Black community, and anyone part of a marginalized community with her uneducated, misinformed, bigoted, and sometimes intentionally hateful ideology. 

According to video footage obtained by Politico, Greene has described Muslims as a plague on America, credited drugs and gangs as the reason Black and brown people are being held back in America, and has said white males are the most targeted group of people in the nation. She’s also attacked the trans community with anti-trans legislation to make it illegal for doctors to perform gender-affirming care to trans youth, has attacked drag queens, has ridiculed people who identify as non-binary, and has proven she only aligns with those who look, think, and act like her, ie: straight, white, cisgender people.

In recent weeks, Greene has also doubled down on her election fraud propaganda, claiming MAGA supporters are being unfairly persecuted for storming the Capitol on Jan. 6 and contributing to five senseless deaths. She’s claimed that those Jan. 6 defendants who were charged with federal crimes are being “abused” in jail for being served food that tastes like cleaner. And perhaps worst of all, she’s made fashion choices that have left lasting scars in our memory, almost as much as her pull-ups.

And to think — all of this behavior could have been avoided had she’d been born under a different zodiac sign.