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Donald Trump’s indictment and statement of facts, full documents online

Where to find all of the information about Trump's case in New York, per the grand jury.

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Law enforcement, and the justice system in general, has become a much more complicated affair since the advent of social media, particularly when it comes to highly visible public figures such as former U.S. President Donald Trump. Misinformation can spread like wildfire, and the line as to what constitutes a credible source, an opinion, or an outright lie can be very blurry. 

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With Trump now having plead ‘not guilty’ to 34 counts of felony charges, and the former President remaining insistent that there has been no wrongdoing on Truth Social and other forms of media, it can be tricky to nail down exactly who, and what to believe.

Thankfully, Trump’s indictment and statement of facts brought forth by the grand jury in New York is in the public record and available to read online. While Trump and his most devout supporters may be crying foul play by way of repeating the words “political persecution” and “electoral interference,” as far as the justice system is concerned, these are all of the facts of the case. Here’s where you can read them for yourself. 

Where to read Donald Trump’s full indictment

Image via Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images

This document outlines every last one of the felony charges laid against Trump in the state of New York. There’s a lot of repetition in this document, with many of the charges reading more or less the same, with the exception of specific invoice and voucher numbers which came under scrutiny. The full document can be found here.

Where to read the Statement of Facts about the Stormy Daniels case

Image via Kena Betancur / Stringer / Getty Images

The second document paints a clearer picture and timeline of events surrounding Donald Trump’s hush money case, as presented by the grand jury. It covers the events preceding the election, and outlines the actions of all involved parties – including lawyers, media organizations, and Trump himself. You can read the whole lot here.