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Watch: Jamie Foxx stars in trailer for Netflix’s new vampire action flick ‘Day Shift’

Jamie Foxx proves once again he's as good at action roles as he is at comedy or drama.

What do you get when you combine John Wick with vampires? The upcoming Netflix film, Day Shift, starring Jamie Foxx — at least, that’s what the latest first look trailer would have you believe.

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Giving the film action movie street cred are producers Chad Stahelski and J.J. Perry, who both started as stuntmen in the late 1990s. They also helmed all of the Keanu Reeves-starring John Wick movies, which have been acclaimed for taking the action movie genre back to its roots with stunning choreography, jaw-dropping in-camera stunts, and long, stable takes where you can see the action in full view, rather than covering it up with the shaky-cam and quick-cut techniques that plagued the 2000s Bourne Identity-era of action films. Add into the mix the charismatic Foxx, whose helmed an action film or two in his day, and vampires, and you have a potentially winning combination.

Foxx stars as a hard-working blue-collar dad simply trying to keep up with his quick-witted daughter and provide a good life for her. But his snore-inducing San Fernando Valley pool cleaning job is merely a front for a much more exciting line of work, and his real source of income: tracking down and executing blood-sucking paranormal creatures as part of an international Union of vampire hunters.

Based on the comments section of Netflix’s Twitter post on the film, it’s clear fans are excited about the movie, even if — and perhaps because of — the movie harkens back to the Wesley Snipes classic, Blade.


Another Twitter user was simply excited to see Snoop Dogg make an appearance in a horror project once again, more than a decade after Hood of Horror.

Another fan summed up their feelings with an all-too-appropriate Jamie Foxx GIF, who let’s face it, is the man of 1,000 faces in addition to having some impressive action and dramatic acting chops.

Day Shift comes to Netflix on August 12.