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The X-Men and the Fantastic Four aren’t even rebooted yet, but fans are already missing when the MCU didn’t own everything

Let's see what Marvel has to offer first.

Image via Twentieth Century Fox

While it’ll be great to see all the Marvel heroes united under the MCU, there was something special about the old days when different studios owned the rights to different properties.

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Maybe it’s just nostalgia, or maybe it’s something else, but some people just miss the time when Marvel characters were split across a few different studios. While that might sound crazy, one Marvel fanatic gives a pretty good argument for why it was a great period for comic book movies.

I am just thinking about the year 2014 where we had two MCU movies (Cap The Winter Soldier and Guardians 1) and a Sony movie (Amazing Spiderman 2) AND a fox movie (Days of Future Past). I Miss years like that honestly. I mean I glad they will all be in the same universe but another 2014 would have been cool.

To be fair, 2014 was a golden year for comic book nerds; I can definitely see where they’re coming from with that one. Beyond just getting a boatload of comic book movies, we also got wildly different takes with different visions for these characters. The X-Men were set in a more grounded universe, which set the movies apart from other contemporary superhero films. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had its own visual flair once again standing out against the films from the other two studios (Fox and Disney/Marvel).

Some fans agreed that it was a pretty good time if you enjoyed the variety of different ways comic book heroes could be presented.

Yes. I know I will get downvoted but we never would have gotten things like Logan, DoFP, First Class under Marvel Studios. And say what you want about the TASM movies, they had their direction and visual quality on point, much more so than most MCU films. Furthermore I just think one studio having all the IP is not good for movie industry.

There was a greater diversity of movies when Fox had mutants and the F4.

Of course, with such a controversial take, it’s no surprise that many were quick to shoot the idea down. After all, both Sony and Fox were failing to create the quality films they had at the start. Also what could be better than having all your favorite heroes in one place?

Fantastic Four failed twice and X-Men had gone down the toilet at Fox while the two Garfield Spidey movies from Sony weren’t great and killed the chances of a third. Both studios were past their prime when it comes to Marvel, and I think things are moving in the right direction now.

While the last couple of years has been wobbly for Marvel, we haven’t even seen the X-Men or the Fantastic Four in the MCU yet. Yes, the old days were great, and the Fox movies have their fans (myself included) but who’s to say that Marvel won’t be able to pull something truly special out of the bag when it does finally give us the long-awaited reboots?