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The ‘Across the Spider-Verse’ marketing team got out of pocket with ‘Miguel’s Glazed Honey Buns’

This couldn't have been an accident.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Photo via Sony Pictures

Good ol’ honey buns. You can eat them when you’re famished. You can eat them when you’re in need of a glucose boost. You can eat them on their own or with a drink of your choosing. And, as it turns out, you can now eat them while thinking about Oscar Isaac, or more specifically, his character in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

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In a stroke of marketing genius, intentional or otherwise, Sony has put Miguel O’Hara — aka Spider-Man 2099 — up on “glazed honey bun” packages. This being the internet, there was no chance that the occasion would’ve gone unnoticed, so perhaps the promotional team knew exactly what it was doing. Talk about creating a literal thirst trap.

Someone definitely saw an opportunity and took it.

We don’t know whether to sigh in disbelief or actually congratulate the online community for their brilliant buns — I mean, puns.

Miguel O’Hara is undoubtedly the best addition to the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse cast. Here, we have a character whose place in the story is informed by his conflicting viewpoint, as opposed to his personal motivations. Yes, he might be “the one Spider-Man that doesn’t have a sense of humor,” as Oscar Isaac would describe him, but even that doesn’t get in the way of O’Hara turning into one of the most compelling comic book characters in recent memory.

The more you think about his character, the more you understand why he did what he did in Across the Spider-Verse. In fact, now that we’ve watched the movie, this might be the perfect opportunity to reflect more on Miguel O’Hara, and what better way to do that than when you’re having a cup of coffee or, say, a glazed honey bun?