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Stephen King summarily smacks down Kevin Sorbo over Tucker Carlson’s January 6th videos

King argues it is just an example of a political faction trying to create a new narrative.

Kevin Sorbo photo Alex Goodlett/Getty Images for Operation Smile, Stephen King photo Mark Mainz/Getty Images, Tucker Carlson photo Jason Koerner/Getty Images

Years after the event happened, the Jan. 6, 2021 violence at the United States Capitol ahead of President Joe Biden’s inauguration continues to be a part of political discourse. Tucker Carlson showcased previously unseen footage from the event on his cable television show recently and, while right-wing figures have talked it up, others like Stephen King are dismissing all of it.

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The acclaimed horror author and noted liberal figure posted the above earlier today in response to a tweet from former Hercules actor Kevin Sorbo. Sorbo says — as many do — that the calm footage of people walking around as police follow undercuts the notion the day was an insurrection as some have labeled it, while King argues it is just an example of a political faction trying to create a new narrative around an event. United States Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger has agreed with King, and says this comes out of over 40,000 hours of footage, and, as is the case with anything today, replies are sharply divided along both sides of the partisan kerfuffle.

Another user says they are tired of attempts to change how people think about something. For them it is unbelievable, and King’s assessment that Carlson and his ilk are being selective with what they are presenting to the public is definitely an accurate reading.

Of course, whether Carlson actually believes in any of what he is selling is an open question. His private correspondence from soon after the 2020 election shows a completely different mindset towards Trump, one that posits “no upside.”. In the replies, some reference Carlson’s attitudinal disparity, while another tries to be above the fray and claims both sides of the political spectrum do such bad things.

It is not known how much more Carlson plans to air on his show. While some Republicans are in favor, others are not.