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Square Enix Registers Domain Name For Just Cause 4

It appears that Sqaure Enix have registered the domain name for Just Cause 4 even though Just Cause 3 has not been released yet. Just Cause 2 was an excellent title that had a great open world adventure which allowed you to do whatever you want, especially if you had the PC version. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that a third game in the series would be great.

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It appears that Square Enix have registered the domain name for Just Cause 4 even though Just Cause 3 has not been released yet. Just Cause 2 was an excellent title that had a great open world adventure which allowed you to do whatever you want, especially if you had the PC version. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that a third game in the series would be great.

We haven’t heard anything about Just Cause 3 for quite a few years now. We know that Avalanche Studio has been working on a new Mad Max game but nothing Just Cause related. That being said, they could possibly have a separate team working on the game, who knows?

Do we have an imminent announcement incoming from Square Enix? It seems that way. With E3 only a few weeks away, we’ll certainly be keeping our eye out for any forthcoming news.

Source: Joystiq