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Silent Hill: Downpour Drips Into Quarter 1 2012 Territory

The virtual forecast has been released, letting us know that Silent Hill: Downpour has been delayed. Its water-based, nightmarish descent into madness will now begin sometime in fiscal quarter 1 of 2012. Being that Downpour is my most-anticipated upcoming game, this news comes as a bit of a downer, though I'm always willing to wait for a game if it means improvements are being made to the final product.

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The virtual forecast has been released, letting us know that Silent Hill: Downpour has been delayed. Its water-based, nightmarish descent into madness will now begin sometime in fiscal quarter 1 of 2012. Being that Downpour is my most-anticipated upcoming game, this news comes as a bit of a downer, though I’m always willing to wait for a game if it means improvements are being made to the final product.

Konami has yet to release an official statement, although MCV broke the news earlier today. They confirmed the release date change with the publisher, meaning that this news is concrete.

Here’s hoping it won’t take too long before we’ll be able to play through what is looking like the best Silent Hill adventure yet. I got a chance to play through a twenty-minute long demo of Downpour over a month ago and was very impressed with what I played.