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Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Has 3D Support

It’s all rather exciting...for those of you who are rich and irritating enough to already own a futuristic 3D television. Unfortunately despite Sony’s admirable efforts, most gamers don’t and won’t have the kit that will enable them to enjoy all those three dimensional sensations for quite a while yet. Considering the state of the whole ‘money’ thing at the moment, understandably people aren’t going to fork out over a grand just so they can watch Helghast bullets whizz past their ears, or stare at James Cameron’s Avatar in muted wonder.

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It’s all rather exciting…for those of you who are rich and irritating enough to already own a futuristic 3D television. Unfortunately despite Sony’s admirable efforts, most gamers don’t and won’t have the kit that will enable them to enjoy all those three dimensional sensations for quite a while yet. Considering the state of the whole ‘money’ thing at the moment, understandably people aren’t going to fork out over a grand just so they can watch Helghast bullets whizz past their ears, or stare at James Cameron’s Avatar in muted wonder.

Naturally because Sony are one of the key players in the (hopeful) 3D revolution, Ratchet & Clank are going to be bouncing colourfully and manically through their next adventure in a glorious extra dimension. The loveable and iconic duo will be pairing up with Captain Qwark and Doctor Nefarious in the coming title, creating a ‘drop-in-drop-out’ co-op system.

Stereoscopic 3D despite its expense is something that Sony is passionately fighting for, the technology giant wants households to embrace this visual wizardry all over the world. Looking at how a large amount of the PS3 exclusive titles released recently have this 3D support (which currently means very little because no one has the damn equipment), Killzone 3, Motorstorm Apocalypse, GT5 etc; PS3 owners might find it a little bit frustrating knowing that the option is there, but not within reach.

Sony confirmed this weekend that All 4 One will support 3D on release this autumn.